CISC440 F2019 HW4
From class_wiki
Due Monday, November 11
In this assignment you will create and texture an object (loosely defined) in Blender, then display it in an OpenGL program which animates camera motion along a Catmull-Rom spline.
Required elements
- In Blender, create and texture an object and export it as an .obj that is loadable by your OpenGL program
- The object may not be a default mesh in Blender such as a plane, monkey, cylinder, or sphere. Rather, it should be an edited version such as the apple created in this tutorial
- Apply at least one texture to the object either through wrapping or painting and save the resulting .obj
- In your C++ OpenGL program, load the .obj and animate a camera path that shows it from different angles and distances, calling glm::lookat() to recompute the view matrix at every step.
- Your camera path should be created from a Catmull-Rom cubic spline. All control points should be chosen by you and hard-coded your program as an array of 3-D positions.
Submit your C++ code, the .obj you created, and text description of how you created it.