CISC181 F2017 Lab1
From class_wiki
- Make a new project (but now n = 1) following these instructions
- Name your class "Lab1". This happens when you are creating a new module, in the Java class name field
- Add your name and section number in a comment before the class declaration
- As explained in the subsections below, modify static void main() and create two other methods: static void countOccurrences() { ... } and static void printLayeredPyramid() { ... }
- Submit your on Sakai by Monday, September 18
static void main(String[] args)
Your main() should do the following:
- Ask the user (using println() or printf()) to input a single character and a string, each on separate lines. Read these with a Scanner object and pass them to countOccurrences().
- Whatever value is returned by countOccurrences(),
- If a valid choice is made, call the corresponding function immediately. Otherwise print an error message
- Let the program end (no loop -- just print prompt, read response, and execute one time)
static int countOccurrences(char searchChar, String S)
Iterate through every character in the String S and count how many times char searchChar occurs. Return this value.
static void drawLayeredPyramid(int numLayers, char firstChar, char secondChar)
Consider the following pattern:
$$$$$$$$$$ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ $$$$$$$$ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ $$$$$$ ¢¢¢¢¢ $$$$ ¢¢¢ $$ ¢
It consists of 10 alternating rows of $ and ¢ characters. The first row has 10 columns of characters, and each successive row has one less. drawLayeredPyramid() should make a similar pattern with numRows rows, alternating characters firstChar and secondChar.