CISC220 F2023 Lab10
Lab #10
1. Hash tables
Starter code for an abstract class String_HT and two derived classes Chain_String_HT and Probe_String_HT is provided here. Several dictionaries ranging in size from 100 to ~84K English words, as well as text files for testing spellchecking, are also supplied in the link above.
The executable is called as follows: hashcheck <command filename>. Each command file initializes a hash table from a dictionary on the first line:
- CHAIN filename: Print number of neighbors of word w
- PROBE filename: Print all neighbors of word w, one per line
The initialization line is followed by 0 or more 1-argument "commands" (one per line) which will trigger calls to member functions of the hash table object:
- INSERT word/tt>: Using DFS, print "CONNECTED" if <tt>w1 and w2 are connected, "NOT CONNECTED" otherwise
- REMOVE word: Using DFS, print number of words that are connected to w. w itself counts as 1
- FIND word: Using BFS, print length of shortest path connecting w1 and w2. If they are not connected, print "NOT CONNECTED"
- SPELLCHECK filename: Using BFS, print sequence of words on that path (one per line starting with w1 and ending with w2). If they are not connected, print "NOT CONNECTED"
2. Programming tasks
These are core String_HT functions that are required but not directly tested. Since they don't generate output but have side effects on the data structures above, every print function should either call one of these or use the modified data structure(s).
- calculate_neighbor_words(string &)
- DFS_traversal(string &)
- BFS_traversal(string &)
These String_HT functions will be directly tested and correspond one-to-one with the commands listed above:
- [0.5 points] print_num_neighbors(string &)
- [0.5 points] print_neighbors(string &)
- [1 point] DFS_print_connected(string &, string &)
- [1 point] DFS_print_num_connected(string &)
- [0.5 points] BFS_print_path_length(string &, string &)
- [1 point] BFS_print_path(string &, string &)
- [0.5 points] BFS_print_longest_path()
You may use AI on any part of this lab, but no human partner.
3. Submission
Submit 2 files to Gradescope: (1) your README and (2) your modified main.cpp. The README should contain your name, complete declarations of AI use, notes on any limitations or issues with your code, and your interpretation of any ambiguities in the assignment instructions. main.cpp should also contain your name and per-function comments on AI usage.